English Bulgarian

We will ask the following questions:

    1. Can a machine think?

    2. What is AI?
        ŕ) Is it a computer program which plays chess, drives cars or recognizes voices and faces?
        b) Is it a thinking creature, and far more brainy than man?

    3. What is AI I? A machine or a computer program?

    4. When will AI be created?

    5. Shall we become dependent on robots?

    6. Are you ready to accept that a machine outsmarts you by far?

    7. Who is more important: the gardener or the flowers he takes care of? In other words, if a very smart guy is the servant of a very stupid guy, who is more important – the smart one or the stupid one, the slave or the master?

    8. From times immemorial, the dream of man has been not to work. The common feature between Communism and the American Dream is that we work because we like to rather than because we have to. AI can make this dream come true for everyone, but can it turn out that the dream is actually a nightmare?

    9. Shall we lose our jobs?

    10. Shall we have anything to do once AI is there?

    11. Can we live without working. Shall we end up in degradation?

    12. Guaranteed basic income.

    13. Why do they say that AI is the last discovery of mankind?

    14. Can AI kill? Will it abide by the Laws of Robotics?

    15. Is a Robot Riot possible?

    16. Can AI be creative? Make paintings, compose music, etc.?

    17. Will AI have a sense of humor?

    18. Shall we give up evolution?

    19. Shall we humans continue to improve and engage in competition so that only the best of us survive through natural selection?

    20. What do you think about Elon Musk’s idea that we upgrade ourselves by installing chips in our heads and then try to compete with AI?

    21. He who owns AI will rule Planet Earth. Who should own AI?

    22. Should AI be an open source?

    23. Should we let people own computers?

    24. How many people will live on Planet Earth? Will there be room for other species besides us? What will happen to lions, elephants, rats and cockroaches?

    25. How will life change? How will an AI world look like? What about air quality or global warming? What will be the fate of herbicides and pesticides? Which way will healthcare go? Shall will die or live forever?

    26. How do you fathom living together with AI? How shall we share the chores of everyday life? How shall we get along with other people, what would we offer them if AI gives them all they need?

    27. Will AI make us more lonely?

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